Featured Publications
What Is Autosexual? Two Sex Experts Explain
Pure Wow, By Emma Singer, Feat: Dr Maureen Slattery, MD. , & Dr Nan Wise, PhD.
We Need to Talk About Sex Now More Than Ever
Phycology Today
I Wouldn’t Let My Tween Daughter Wear Crop Tops—Was I Overthinking It?
Pure Wow, By Emma Singer Feat: Dr. Maureen Slattery, MD
4 Things You Need to Know About Sex During Menopause, According to Experts
Pure Wow, By Emma Singer, Feat: Dr Maureen Slattery, MD. , & Dr Nan Wise, PhD.
Sex, Relationships, and the Menopause: A Conversation with Maureen Slattery, MDPure Wow, By Emma Singer, Feat: Dr Maureen Slattery, MD. , & Dr Nan Wise, PhD.
Heather Evans Editorial, Feat. Dr Maureen Slattery
In the Mood Excerpt
“...Is there anything I can do to help with my libido? I’m just not interested in sex as much — not even masturbating.
We’ve all heard it at some point: Honey, I’ve got a headache. Or the more direct: I just don’t feel like it tonight … or tomorrow or the day after.
Many, many things can cause a drop in libido, says Maureen Slattery, M.D., a certified sexual health counselor and educator in Rochester, New York. Among them: erectile dysfunction, high blood pressure, certain medications, vaginal dryness, a drop in testosterone levels, and health issues like cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Life events may also play a role — like becoming an empty nester or losing your sense of identity upon retirement, Milstein says.
Age-related body changes can also play a part in body image — for women especially — and can affect your sex drive.”
AARP’s In the Mood Column
By Ellen Uzelac
Ellen asks experts your most pressing 50+ sex and relationship questions. Uzelac is the former West Coast bureau chief for The Baltimore Sun. She writes frequently on sex, relationships, travel and lifestyle issues. Dr Maureen Slattery is often featured as a contributor
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